Source Themes

New means, new measures Assessing prescription drug-seeking indicators over 10 years of the opioid epidemic

This paper explores the change in predictive power of opioid drug-seeking behavior indicators throughout 2009-2018 period. The findings of the assessment of traditional and network indicators indicate that network-based measures are increasingly promising in identifying prescription drug seeking behavior.

"Mischievous Uncles" as Rule Breakers: Intersectional stereotypes and risk perceptions during the coronavirus pandemic in Turkey

During the initial phases of the pandemic a curfew was implemented for people at the age of 65+ years old in Turkey. This seemingly neutral policy measures that aimed to protect high-risk groups led to a shift in the public discourse that deprives citizens of their agency based not only on their age but also their class.

Co-prescription network reveals social dynamics of opioid doctor shopping

This paper examines network prominence in a co-prescription network as an indicator of opioid doctor shopping (ie, fraudulent solicitation of opioids from multiple prescribers).

Governance in online stolen data markets

We present a theretical description of the governance mechanisms in illicit online markets, specifically online stolen data markets.

Markets as Governance Environments for Organizations at the Edge of Illegality: Insights from Social Network Analysis

This paper presents an exploratory analysis of how social interactions play a role in the formation of illicit online markets and become tools for governing such markets. Various kins of monitoring tools are used to increase the level of trust between the buyers and the sellers, which in turn increases demands for the illicit products.